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 Generation Pound fitness classes for schools


Generation POUND® is a youth appropriate workout born in the POUND Fit brand, based on drumming. Generation POUND® was created not just as a workout geared towards kids, but a MOVEMENT that aims to change the concept of health and fitness for today’s youth. The program fuses movement and music to improve focus, coordination, physical fitness and teamwork skills for “Rockstars in Training,” ages ~6-12. Class equipment includes use of Ripstix®–POUND’s lightly weighted exercise drumsticks–to learn alternative ways to explore movement. 


The power of Generation POUND encompasses more than just physical fitness. Combining kid-friendly choreography and group activities, it promotes social and emotional well-being by fostering relationships, building self-esteem and self-awareness, and inspiring the next generation of happy, healthy kids to find & release their “Inner Rockstar”

Here is preview of what a Generation POUND® class looks like:


What does a  Generation POUND® class entail?

Check out this class trailer =>


If you are interested in having Generation POUND® classes offered in your school or facility, please contact me (Brigitte Hynes-Taylor, certified Generation Pound Instructor)

Email us @:

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